Discussion on Foreign Enterprises’ Needs for Administrative IP Protection Successfully Held in Beijing
by Xavier Xia
On November 13, the IP Service Center of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (“CCPIT”) held a discussion on foreign enterprises’ needs for administrative protection of IPR in Beijing. The purpose was to collect suggestions from foreign enterprises on administrative protection of IPR, exploring the current level of protection and measures that could be taken to further optimize the business environment. QBPC was the supporting organization of this event. 10 representatives of foreign enterprises attended the discussion and exchanged opinions with the officials on issues related to the administrative protection of patent and trademark in China.
The meeting was hosted by Director of IP Service Center of CCPIT Tan Jian. National IP Administration Department of IP Protection Deputy Director Cao Hongying and other officials attended the meeting. QBPC Chair Michael Ding introduced QBPC’s work and emphasized that other than empowering members, QBPC also played the role of an international bridge, introducing the progress China had made in IP protection to member headquarters and the international community while bringing back constructive suggestions to promote further optimization of the business environment.
For three and a half hours, the officials and corporate representatives exchange in depth on a variety of issues that were of great concern to foreign enterprises, such as strike against unauthorized stores, collecting and securing evidence on trademark infringement and trade secret protection. Cao Hongying stated that the National IP Administration had paid close attention to the protection of foreign companies’ IPs in China and would continue to guide and strengthen administrative enforcement, striving to create a better business environment for IP.